Monday, February 02, 2009


I was struck hard yesterday by none other than dear old pal Realisation. In this place, having a good intention, plans and support is not enough... One's entire plans and intentions can go down the drain if some anonymous group decides to have a violent strike for whatsoever crap reason.

Gosh, i just hate such cheap politics... However such goons managed to ruin my plans for City clean up on Sunday. :(

So i missed out on the opportunity and also on the fun that the others had...

Looking forward for next week!!!


ShEkHaR said...

I think we need to clean those people first!!!
If you are planning 'Maramari' ,call me :)

Meenakshi said...

lol.. Shekhar, the plan is actually somewhat the same, we intend to set an example and clean the people's mind, which might help them being more responsible about their surroundings..

renju ramesh said...

what the....huh?.... whaaa..what r ya talkin bout mynakshhii..huh?..duh..?

ShEkHaR said...

shut up , buggy
bug bug band kar

Meenakshi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
renju ramesh said... cant seriously publish comment these days...wht was the problem with my earlier intelligent utterances???

ShEkHaR said...

he he he!!!